Thursday, September 30, 2010
Art Redo: Complaints Over Painting
Football First
Amazing Football Play
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Miracle Worker Director Dies

Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Congress Passes Video Accessibility Act
Man Hit by Train
Hospital Settles Claim
Conference at Purdue
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Journeys of Identity
A new play about Thomas Gallaudet opens in Hartford, Connecticut on October 11th at the Old State House. Journeys of Identity was written by Garrett Zuercher and is presented by the National Theatre of the Deaf, a touring theater group composed of deaf and hearing actors. Besides telling the story of Gallaudet, the founder of the nation's first school for the deaf, the play will focus on its first teacher and its first student.You can find more information here.
Man Fakes Being Deaf
$500k with No Strings

Monday, September 27, 2010
Rape Sentence Set Aside
Tournament Sweep
Conviction to be Overturned?
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Award-Winning Program
video conferencing as a teaching tool.
Teen in Critical Condition
Friday, September 24, 2010
Deaf Rapper Performs in NYC
Marking 125 Years
New School for the Deaf
LA Deaf Festival
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Teen Hit by Car
Wrongly Convicted
Suing the Pope
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
15% of Kids with Hearing Loss? Not So Fast
$250k Lab Opens
Ohlone College in Fremont, California has opened its Deaf Studies Lab. The facility has 20 computer stations, replacing outdated computers and video cameras. It cost a quarter of a million dollars, most of which came from a grant given by the East Bay Community Foundation. The California School for the Deaf is just a few miles away from the Ohlone campus.
Signs of Opposition
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
New Jersey Interpreters
Accused of Hitting Pregnant Woman
Sale of Pennsylvania School Property
Deaf Awareness Week
Purple Settles with FCC
Imagine Cup 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mission Deaf Center Opens
Murder Trial Delay
X Games Gold Medal Winner
Texting in Deaf Culture
A Shot at the NBA.. Again

Friday, September 17, 2010
Protest Over Police Shooting
Vampires at Gallaudet
2010 ADA Standards
Youth Get Prime NFL Seats
Mexican Award
Motocross Champion
Thursday, September 16, 2010
NTID Prez Finalists
The first is Gerard Buckley. With a doctorate in education, Buckley has over 30 years higher education experience and most of the last 20 serving in a variety of capacities at NTID.
The second is Roberta J. Cordano. Ms. Cordano served as Assistant Attorney General for Minnesota, the University of Minnesota's Director of Disability Services and Assistant Dean. Recently, she led the Center for Healthcare Innovation at Allina Hospitals and Clinics in Minneapolis as Interim President. Cordano holds J.D. from University of Wisconsin Law School.
The third candidate is John C. Wyvill. He started in private law practice in Arkansas and held several government positions, mostly in Arkansas. Wyvill served three years as Assistant Legal Counsel, in the Arkansas Governor's office, and was Director of Nebraska's HHS Division of Developmental Disabilities in Lincoln.
All three candidates will visit the campus in October.
Deaf Murderer Killed in Bike Accident
Deaf Comedyfest
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Extreme Makeover Reveal
Monday, September 13, 2010
Makover Revealed Today
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Bison Football Win
Gally Drops Sport
Gallaudet has cut its cross country program. That includes both its men’s and women’s teams. The university has struggled to find enough student-athletes to field a team at the NCAA Division III level. There were several members of this year's squad battling injuries. The student body also showed a general lack of interest in the sport. The program had only returned to competition two years ago. The school's only conference championship was won by the 1942 men's cross country team.
Deaf Bar
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Large Gift for California Theater
New Children's Rights Law
FaceTime Expands
Apple's FaceTime may be added to the next Mac operating system and even to Windows-based computers, according to recent tech rumors. FaceTime offers visual chat capability that's made it popular among deaf users of the iPhone4 and the latest iPod Touch. FaceTime could be a part of the newest version of iChat in the iLife 11 operating system which is due to roll out soon. Facetime is also expected to become a part of the iPad sometime next year.
Deaf Heritage Award
Will Michigan School Close?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Cross Country Bike Ride
School Cuts in Ohio
Cancer in Matlin's Family
iPod Touch Update
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Students Get Star Treatment on Trip
Lead Poisoning Info
Closed-Captioning History
Dayton Deaf Festival
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Deaf Bank Robber?
NFL Starter Battles Hearing Lose

Death at Gallaudet Unnecessary?
Information about Asthma
ADA: Colleges
Monday, September 6, 2010
TV Show to Renovate School Building
Flu Prevention
Saturday, September 4, 2010
iPod Touch
Training Service Dogs
Worshipping in Silence
Eagles Take Opener
Friday, September 3, 2010
Wood Carver Killed by Police
Convicted of Rape and Murder
Blue Grass Gathering
Scam Rips off Deaf Investors
A company based in Hawaii is being ordered to pay more than $6.2 million for cheating more than 125 customers, all of whom were deaf. Marvin Cooper, who is deaf himself was charged with operating a $4 million foreign currency and commodity futures Ponzi scheme through his company, Billion Coupons. Prosecutors say Cooper lured customers with promises of up to 25% monthly returns. But he spent the funds on personal items, like a million dollar home and flying lessons.